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Support Services

Michael is a global consultant who specializes in lower limb lameness. He has done consultaions in South Africa, Holland and throughout the United States. He offers a variety of methods for consultations - Skype, via email, telephone and of course he will come to you. His greatest reward is in helping to restore your horse to his whole wellness and thus getting you back to enjoying your discipline and your horse.

It is very important that Michael is able to work with all aspects of your equine team. That means that he will work with you the owner, your farrier, your veterinarian and the trainer. Michael will also work with a saddle-fitter to ensure that your horse is fitted with a properly fitted saddle for your discipline. Working together as a team will result in a healthy and happy horse.

Michael will work closely with your veterinarian and farrier to assure that the suggested course of action and shoeing treatment is accomplishing the ultimate goal of whole horse wellness and rider achievement and enjoyment.

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